Opening hours and online tickets

Types of guided tours

Guidยญed tour of the Minยญing Park

Alfreยญdo Shaft, gallery and ex workยญshops. Duraยญtion of the guidยญed tour is approxยญiยญmateยญly 1 hour and 15 minยญutes.
The route does not present any parยญticยญuยญlar difยญfiยญculยญties. Suitยญable for all adults and chilยญdren of at least 4 years of age. It is comยญpulยญsoยญry to wear closed shoes and to bring someยญthing to covยญer oneยญself when walkยญing through the gallery. There are stairs along the route. Small dogs may enter but must be held durยญing the gallery tour.

Guidยญed tour of the Minยญing Park and Mine Descent

Alfreยญdo Shaft, gallery, ex workยญshops and mine descent. Duraยญtion of guidยญed tour is approxยญiยญmateยญly two hours.
Only on speยญcifยญic days and times and for a maxยญiยญmum of 8 perยญsons.
In addiยญtion to visยญitยญing the Minยญing Park the itinยญerยญary includes a descent via, a stairยญcase to a depth of about 100 metres (mine descent). The route is not accesยญsiยญble to perยญsons with reduced mobilยญiยญty or those unable to move indeยญpenยญdentยญly; it is only accesยญsiยญble to chilยญdren aged 12 and over if accomยญpaยญnied by at least one adult. It is mandaยญtoยญry to wear trekking shoes and to bring someยญthing to covยญer oneยญself for walkยญing through the gallery. Aniยญmals are not allowed.


For inforยญmaยญtion or supยญport regardยญing online bookยญings, please send an email to the mine secยญreยญtariยญat. 

Thursยญday to Sunยญday and 1 April (Eastยญer Monยญday)
Guidยญed tours of the minยญing park hours: 12 noon โ€” 5 p.m.
Guidยญed tours of the minยญing park and mine descent hours: 10 a.m. โ€” 3 p.m.

1 TO 31 MAY
Thursยญday to Sunยญday and 1 May
Guidยญed tours of the minยญing park hours: 12 noon โ€” 5 p.m.
Guidยญed tours of the minยญing park and mine descent hours: 10 a.m. โ€” 3 p.m.

1 TO 30 JUNE
Thursยญday to Sunยญday and 2 June
Guidยญed tours of the minยญing park hours: 12 noon โ€” 6 p.m.
Guidยญed tours of the minยญing park and mine slope hours: 10 a.m. โ€” 4 p.m.


Guidยญed tour of the Minยญing Park
Adults โ‚ฌ 10.00 | Chilยญdren 6โ€“12 years โ‚ฌ 7.00
The entrance fee includes the guidยญed tour.

Free for resยญiยญdents in the Municยญiยญpalยญiยญty of Monยญteยญcaยญtiยญni Val di Ceciยญna and for chilยญdren under 6 years old.

Guidยญed tour of the Minยญing Park and Mine Descent
Adults and chilยญdren over 12 years of age โ‚ฌ 16.00
The entrance fee includes the guidยญed tour.

Free for resยญiยญdents in the municยญiยญpalยญiยญty of Monยญteยญcaยญtiยญni Val di Ceciยญna.

Guidยญed tour of the Minยญing Park, Wind Farm, Muraglione Dam and Oraยญtoยญry of Sanยญta Barยญbara
Guidยญed tours by reserยญvaยญtion only for groups of at least 20 parยญticยญiยญpants.

Conยญtact the museยญum.
Cost Adults โ‚ฌ 15.00 โ€” Chilยญdren from 6 to 12 years โ‚ฌ 10.00