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Monยญteยญcaยญtiยญni Val di Ceciยญna is a place to visยญit: a small Tusยญcan vilยญlage with a great hisยญtoยญry surยญroundยญed by a natยญurยญal landยญscape of great charm. A stop not to be missed for all those seekยญing tranยญquilยญiยญty and getยญting to know the culยญturยญal qualยญiยญty of this region. The copยญper mine with its ancient tunยญnels and its wide spaces, repยญreยญsents the parยญticยญuยญlarยญiยญty of this terยญriยญtoยญry.
Thanks to Gabriele Cianยญdri for the beauยญtiยญful video made thanks to the proยญmoยญtion of the Municยญiยญpalยญiยญty of Monยญteยญcaยญtiยญni Val Di Ceciยญna and the colยญlabยญoยญraยญtion of the Coopยญerยญaยญtiยญva Itinยญera.

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Francesco Levy