Sales terms and conditions

Sales terms and con­di­tions: last upda­ted 12 May 2023

Befo­re making the pur­cha­se, the Custo­mer decla­res to have care­ful­ly read and accep­ted the fol­lo­wing gene­ral terms and con­di­tions; for que­stions rela­ting to the terms and con­di­tions, plea­se send an e‑mail to our custo­mer care:

The­se Terms and Con­di­tions govern the offer and sale of asse­ts (as defi­ned below) on the site:
The ser­vi­ce is offe­red by Coop Iti­ne­ra Pro­get­ti e Ricer­che, based in Livor­no Via Bor­ra 35, cod. Tax and VAT num­ber 01170260499 regi­ste­red in the Livor­no Com­pa­ny Regi­ster with n. regi­stra­tion num­ber 01170260499, REA LI num­ber ‑103766, tel. 0586 894 563, pec.

Subject of these General Conditions

The­se Gene­ral Con­di­tions govern the gene­ral rules of the Ser­vi­ces offe­red by the Ope­ra­tor to Custo­mers, inclu­ding throu­gh the Web­si­te.
Il Gesto­re è l’unico tito­la­re del Sito e quin­di tra­mi­te esso il Clien­te strin­ge un rap­por­to di pre­sta­zio­ne di ser­vi­zi esclu­si­va­men­te con il gesto­re stes­so, sal­va diver­sa indi­ca­zio­ne nel­le pre­sen­ti Con­di­zio­ni Gene­ra­li.
The Custo­mer accep­ts the­se Gene­ral Con­di­tions when he requests one of the Ser­vi­ces throu­gh the Boo­king Form.
The Custo­mer is reque­sted to read the­se Gene­ral Con­di­tions befo­re regi­ste­ring and / or befo­re car­ry­ing out any ope­ra­tion, to print them and to keep them.

Online booking procedures

To con­clu­de the Pur­cha­se Agree­ment for a Pro­duct throu­gh the web­si­te, the Custo­mer must select the Pro­duct and com­ple­te the onli­ne Order Form in all its parts, which must be con­si­de­red as a con­trac­tual pro­po­sal.

Payment methods

The pay­ment of the entran­ce tic­ke­ts can be made by bank trans­fer or by Pay­Pal / cre­dit card (pay­ment is made throu­gh the secu­re pay­ment ser­vi­ce offe­red by Pay­Pal). The Mines Museum the­re­fo­re never has access to and does not sto­re the data of the cre­dit card used by the Custo­mer for the pay­ment of the Tic­ke­ts. Any refunds will be issued by bank trans­fer or Pay­Pal depen­ding on the pay­ment method used by the custo­mer: that is, the refund amount will be cre­di­ted to the same pay­ment method used by the custo­mer for the ini­tial tran­sac­tion.

Methods of delivery of the Admission Tickets

The Tic­ke­ts are deli­ve­red to the Custo­mer in e‑Mail for­mat (Order Con­fir­ma­tion Email) and must be pre­sen­ted by the Tic­ket Hol­der in paper or digi­tal for­mat.

Right of withdrawal

Given the natu­re of the Ser­vi­ce, the­re is no right of with­dra­wal for the Custo­mer. For eve­ry­thing con­cer­ning the Can­cel­la­tion poli­cy, plea­se refer to the “Can­cel­la­tion Poli­cy” point below.

Cancellation policy

It is pos­si­ble for the Custo­mer to pro­ceed with the can­cel­la­tion of the boo­ked visit in the fol­lo­wing ways and terms:

  • If the can­cel­la­tion is made up to 48 hours befo­re the sche­du­led date of the visit, no penal­ty will be applied and the amount paid will be ful­ly refun­ded by the Mana­ger;
  • If the can­cel­la­tion is made up to 24 hours befo­re the sche­du­led date of the visit, an amount equal to 50% of the total amount will be retai­ned by the Mana­ger;
  • In case of can­cel­la­tion with less than 24 hours’ noti­ce prior to the tour, or in case of no-show, the Mana­ger will retain the full amount.
  • In case of bad wea­ther, the visit may be post­po­ned or can­ce­led and the Mana­ger will make a full refund of the amount paid.

Without pre­ju­di­ce to the fore­going, the Mana­ger reser­ves the right to can­cel visi­ts, giving ade­qua­te noti­ce to the Custo­mer, in all cases in which the­re are issues rela­ting to the safe­ty of visi­tors, unfo­re­seea­ble cir­cum­stan­ces and / or for­ce majeu­re not depen­dent on the Mana­ger, and for which the Mana­ger is una­ble to pro­vi­de the reque­sted Ser­vi­ce for rea­sons not attri­bu­ta­ble to him.

Regulations for the guided tour including the Mine Descent

In order to under­ta­ke the gui­ded tour of the Mining Park, inclu­ding the Mine Descent, the fol­lo­wing regu­la­tions must be obser­ved:

  1. the rou­te inclu­ding the Mine Descent is only acces­si­ble to adul­ts and chil­dren from 12 years of age only if accom­pa­nied by at lea­st one adult;
  2. the rou­te inclu­ding the Mine Descent invol­ves descen­ding via a stair­ca­se to a depth of about 100 metres;
  3. the rou­te inclu­ding the Mine Descent is not acces­si­ble for peo­ple with redu­ced mobi­li­ty or tho­se una­ble to move inde­pen­den­tly;
  4. for the rou­te inclu­ding the Mine Descent it is man­da­to­ry to wear trek­king shoes;
  5. the rou­te inclu­ding Mine Descent is inten­ded for a mini­mum of 2 and a maxi­mum of 8 per­sons.

The Mana­ger reser­ves the right to can­cel the visit in case of non-com­plian­ce with the regu­la­tions by the Custo­mer, and in all cases whe­re the­re are issues rela­ted to visi­tor safe­ty, for­tui­tous even­ts, and/or for­ce majeu­re beyond the con­trol of the Mana­ger, which pre­vent the pro­vi­sion of the reque­sted ser­vi­ce.

Manager disclaimer

The Mana­ger is not respon­si­ble for:

  • for any dama­ge resul­ting from the use of the Ser­vi­ces by the Custo­mer in a man­ner dif­fe­rent from the pro­vi­sions of the Con­tract and / or from the addi­tio­nal instruc­tions pro­vi­ded;
  • for any dama­ge resul­ting from the suspen­sion of the Ser­vi­ces;
  • for the fai­lu­re or incor­rect func­tio­ning of the Ser­vi­ces on spe­ci­fic plat­forms that are not com­pa­ti­ble or for which cor­rect func­tio­ning is not gua­ran­teed;
  • for any dama­ge deri­ving from unfo­re­seea­ble cir­cum­stan­ces or for­ce majeu­re or from even­ts depen­dent on the fact of third par­ties or in any case not attri­bu­ta­ble to the Mana­ger.
  • for per­so­nal inju­ry, ill­ness, pro­per­ty dama­ge or any other loss (direct or indi­rect) or for any expen­ses incur­red by the Client in con­nec­tion with the ser­vi­ce unless such loss is due to gross negli­gen­ce or gross default of the Mana­ger.
  • for any fai­lu­res or delays in the per­for­man­ce of its obli­ga­tions, which resul­ts direc­tly or indi­rec­tly from any cau­se or cir­cum­stan­ce beyond its rea­so­na­ble con­trol. Without limi­ting the gene­ra­li­ty of the fore­going, such cir­cum­stan­ces are con­si­de­red: out­break of hosti­li­ties, rio­ts, civil unre­st, acts of ter­ro­ri­sm, revo­lu­tions, acts of any govern­ment or autho­ri­ty (inclu­ding but not limi­ted to the refu­sal or revo­ca­tion of any licen­se or autho­ri­za­tion) , fire, flood, epi­de­mic, light­ning, explo­sion, fog or bad wea­ther, disrup­tion or fai­lu­re of a uti­li­ty ser­vi­ce (inclu­ding but not limi­ted to elec­tri­ci­ty, gas, water or tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions), reno­va­tions under­ta­ken by the accom­mo­da­tion pro­vi­ders, stri­kes, loc­kou­ts or boy­cotts, blocks.

Changes to these General Conditions

The Mana­ger reser­ves the right to chan­ge the con­tent of the­se Gene­ral Con­di­tions: the rela­tion­ship will be gover­ned by the text of the Gene­ral Con­di­tions publi­shed on the Web­si­te of the Mana­ger at the time of sen­ding the reque­st for use of the Ser­vi­ces by the Custo­mer. Upda­tes will be indi­ca­ted in the hea­der of the text with the date of the last upda­te. The Custo­mer is the­re­fo­re invi­ted to expres­sly read the text of the­se Gene­ral Con­di­tions always befo­re sen­ding the reque­st to use the Ser­vi­ces.

Treatment of personal data (Privacy)

The pro­ces­sing of the Custo­me­r’s per­so­nal data by the Mana­ger will be regu­la­ted with sepa­ra­te and appro­pria­te docu­men­ta­tion. See: Pri­va­cy and Coo­kie Poli­cy.

Applicable Law, Jurisdiction and Competent Court

The Gene­ral Con­di­tions and the Ser­vi­ces descri­bed the­rein are gover­ned exclu­si­ve­ly by Ita­lian law, by the Com­mu­ni­ty rules of the Euro­pean Union and by the Inter­na­tio­nal Con­ven­tions that have effect and are reco­gni­zed in the Ita­lian Repu­blic. All the Ser­vi­ces and infor­ma­tion con­tai­ned on the Site are pro­vi­ded in Ita­lian, without pre­ju­di­ce to the pos­si­bi­li­ty of pro­vi­ding for the use of other lan­gua­ges.
Without pre­ju­di­ce to the fore­going, for any dispu­te con­cer­ning the inter­pre­ta­tion, exe­cu­tion and ter­mi­na­tion of the­se Gene­ral Con­di­tions and the resul­ting rela­tion­ship, in accor­dan­ce with the appli­ca­ble legi­sla­tion, the Ita­lian Judi­cial Autho­ri­ty has exclu­si­ve juri­sdic­tion and the Court of Livor­no is exclu­si­ve­ly com­pe­tent. Any exclu­si­ve and man­da­to­ry juri­sdic­tions and com­pe­ten­ces pro­vi­ded for by sec­tor legi­sla­tion remain unaf­fec­ted.